Wie jedes Jahr haben sich vergangenes Wochenende verschiedene heimische Citroen Clubs auf der Citroen-Straße der Techno Classica präsentiert. Wie man unschwer erkennen kann, stand der große Clubstand dieses Jahr ganz im Zeichen des 50jährigen Geburtstages des Ami 6. Zu bewundern waren eine Limousine, drei verschiedene Breaks und nicht zuletzt sogar der Ami 6 Prototyp des Conservatoire Citroen! Zudem waren auch noch diverse Devotionalien und zeitgenössisches Werbematerial zu besichtigen.
Citroen Boulevard
Just like every year, several local Citroen Clubs presented themselves to the interested public on the Citroen Boulevard of Techno Classica in Essen last weekend. Easy to recognize, the large club booth was tributed to the 50th birthday of the Ami 6. There were a limousine, three different Breaks and last not least even the Ami 6 prototype of the Conservatoire Citroen to be admired! Furthermore there were several devotional objects and histrorical advertising material to be inspected.
Hi again :)
AntwortenLöschenI HAVE TO show my husband this blog (fabulous !!) he is a 2CV lover and is currently owning a white one (maybe turning an original blue in the future) after he had a Charleston (burgundy & black) when he was younger and that he unfortunately re-sold ( how sad I was that day !)
Your photos & photos are GREAT & I'm sure this will be a good motivation for him to work & repair the one that is sleeping in a shelter in our backyard !
I dream of going to the beach in it during the summer, with rooof off & hair in the wind :)